Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Just found out today that someone from UK built their blog directly from my website word for word in 2010. Imitation is a form a flattery. But stealing is not....

On a different note, I notice as the holidays approach, stress may escalate. I pray that families stay strong and remain as one remembering to show one another how much they care and appreciate their blessings....

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Someone very close to me often talks about how her unhappiness is caused by her family and friends. She feels that they do not treat her as they should. I often remind her that although she may be right in wanting others to treat her with more respect, she is wrong in letting their actions determine her happiness. My advice to her? "Stop being the victim!"  Too many people give up on life, their hopes and dreams because of the "victim mentality". I say,  "Take ownership of your feelings and your life".  A person may not be able to control  circumstances. But they do have the power to control their responses to these situations. Empower yourself. Get the ball rolling. Don't let what others say or do be the determining factor of your success or failure.

Trying to find the secret behind this blogging trend. It's new to me and exciting, but overwhelming!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Just learned about a young man (9 years old) being shot accidently a few days ago while he and his neighbor (8 years old) were playing with a loaded gun. Unfortunately, now two families and a community are left to mourn the untimely death of a young person caused by someone not keeping this weapon out of reach of such young hands!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

My blog spot on November 14th introducing my e-book Seizing Opportunities That Propel You Forward on Dancing Lemur Press went great. Thanks for all the responses! To view the site, go to:

My newest CD, "Decade of Hope" is due out this December. I am very excited about the positive messages on this project.  The songs include two Relay for Life songs, "Decade of Hope" and "We Are Not Defeated". These songs were two of the past themes for the Duplin County Relay for Life.  The songs express the determination of cancer victims and their families to hold onto hope after a diagnosis of cancer. Even if the victims succumb to cancer, we must hold onto the hope that there is a cure for others. Other songs include "I Am a Queen", a song about women finding the strength and beauty inside of themselves. This song is sung by my daughter, Brittany Sutton who was the inspiration behind this song. Every year, for her birthday, Brittany wore a crown stating she was a queen for that day!  "We are Defeated" includes a patriotic song about how America should stand as an example to other countries. This song was originally written as a motivational song for the Warsaw Middle School students in 2003 to encourage them to find the beauty within themselves. It was taught to James Kenan High School students several years after I wrote it and performed beautifully by memory.  "I Can Do It" talks about having a can do attitude and not giving up on your goals. This song has been performed in several school settings with the students joining in with me on the chorus. Catchy tune which the very young seem to enjoy. "I Can Make A Difference" is a song that I hope cause others to think twice about working with one another to better reach their goals. "Poetry in Motion" expresses my love for writing and poetry. Thanks also to Damien Thomas who helped with a lot of the vocals on these songs.  The theme is how from the tragedies of 2001 up until this year 2011, we have lived within a decade of hope!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Newest E-Book!

Excited about my newest e-book. Check it out at

Thank You

Sometimes thanks does not seem like much;
Sometimes thanks does not seem to touch,
The tip of the iceberg compared to your dedication;
And how you’ve hung in there through different situations.

But I offer you now a few words from my heart.
To each and everyone of you who played even a small part.
For when it comes to caring for and helping one another,
No one person stands out as being more important than the other.

For when God has a purpose, He sends a message from above.
It is then up to us on earth to seal it with our love.
That is what all of you have been doing up to this day.
Giving a piece of your heart in your own special way.